After twenty years away, Odysseus washes up on the shores of Ithaca, haggard and unrecognizable. The king has finally returned home, but much has changed in his kingdom since he left to fight in the Trojan war.
Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes (born December 22, 1962) is an English actor, film producer, and director. ...
Juliette Binoche (born 9 March 1964) is a French actress, artist and dancer. She has appeared in more than 40 feature...
Marwan Kenzari (born 16 January 1983) is a Dutch actor born in The Hague, Netherlands. Starting his career in 2008, h...
Jamie Andrew Cutler is an actor and writer, known for The Hurricane Heist (2018), Kick-Ass 2 (2013) and Arrow (2012).
Hugh Anthony Quarshie (born 22 December 1954) is a Ghanaian-born British actor of stage, television, and film. Some o...