Cast and Crew of The Legend of Kaspar Hauser

Cast of
The Legend of Kaspar Hauser

About The Legend of Kaspar Hauser

Arriving on a deserted beach in the Mediterranean sea, in a time and a place unspecified, Kaspar Hauser is forced to confront the evil of a Grand Duchess who feels threatened by the power she exercises over the community.

Full Cast of The Legend of Kaspar Hauser

Vincent Gallo
plays The Pusher / The Sheriff

Claudia Gerini
plays The Duchess

Claudia Gerini as The Duchess

Claudia Gerini (born 18 December 1971 in Rome) is an Italian actress and showgirl.

See Claudia Gerini's other roles

Elisa Sednaoui
plays The Whore

Silvia Calderoni
plays Kaspar Hauser

Fabrizio Gifuni
plays The Priest

Fabrizio Gifuni as The Priest

Fabrizio Gifuni was born on June 15, 1966 and is currently 58 years old.

See Fabrizio Gifuni's other roles

Marco Lampis
plays The Servant

Tonino Fenu
plays The Mule Man

Crew of The Legend of Kaspar Hauser

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