Cast and Crew of The Last American Hero

Cast of
The Last American Hero

About The Last American Hero

  • Released on July 27, 1973
  • Drama

A young hell raiser quits his moonshine business and tries to become the best NASCAR racer the south has ever seen. Loosely based on the true story of NASCAR driver Junior Johnson.

Full Cast of The Last American Hero

Jeff Bridges
plays Elroy Jackson junior

Jeff Bridges as Elroy Jackson junior

Jeffrey Leon Bridges (born December 4, 1949) is an American actor, singer, and producer. He comes from a prominent ac...

See Jeff Bridges's other roles

Valerie Perrine
plays Marge Dennison

Geraldine Fitzgerald
plays Frau Jackson

Ned Beatty
plays Hackel

Gary Busey
plays Wayne Jackson

Gary Busey as Wayne Jackson

William Gary Busey (born June 29, 1944), best known as Gary Busey, is an American film and stage actor and artist. He...

See Gary Busey's other roles

Lane Smith
plays Rick Penny

Ed Lauter
plays Burton Colt

Ed Lauter as Burton Colt

An American actor. He has appeared in numerous movies and was a stand up comic before getting into acting. Lauter was...

See Ed Lauter's other roles

William Smith
plays Kyle Kingman

Crew of The Last American Hero

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