The Jackie Thomas Show is an American sitcom that aired on the ABC network from December 1992 to March 1993. The series received widespread attention due to its creators Roseanne Arnold, then starring in the fifth season of her top-rated comedy Roseanne, and her husband and Roseanne co-producer Tom Arnold. The Jackie Thomas Show starred Tom Arnold as a misanthropic sitcom actor.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Thomas Duane "Tom" Arnold (born March 6, 1959) is an American actor and comedi...
Dennis Boutsikaris (born December 21, 1952) is an American actor known for his work on stage and on screen, as well a...
Born in New Jersey and raised in suburban Chicago, Alison La Placa received a degree in drama from Illinois Wesleyan...
Breckin Erin Meyer (born May 7, 1974) is an American actor, musician, writer and producer, known for his roles in fil...
Michael Boatman is an American stage and screen actor and writer. He holds an BA in Acting from the Western Illinois ...
Paul S. Feig is an American director, actor and author. Feig is known for playing Mr. Eugene Pool, Sabrina's science ...
Offbeat funnyman Martin Mull was born in Chicago, Illinois, the oldest of three children, and raised in Ohio. The blo...
Ann Cusack (born May 22, 1961) is an American actress.
Robert John Odenkirk (born October 22, 1962) is an American actor, comedian, and filmmaker best known for his role as...
Jeri Lynn Ryan (born February 22, 1968) is an American actress best known for her roles as the liberated ("de-assimil...
Norman Gene Macdonald (October 17, 1959 – September 14, 2021) was a Canadian stand-up comedian, writer, and actor kno...
William "Bill" Maher, Jr. (born January 20, 1956) is an American stand-up comedian, television host, political commen...
John Goodman is an American stage, film and television actor, best known for his role as Dan Conner on the television...
Jeannetta Arnette was born on July 29, 1954. She is an actress.
Michael Fishman was born on October 22, 1981 and is currently 43 years old.
Arsenio Hall (born February 12, 1955) is an American actor, comedian, and former talk show host. He is best known fo...
Roseanne Cherie Barr (born November 3, 1952) is an American actress, comedian, writer, television producer and direct...
Laura Elizabeth Metcalf (born June 16, 1955) is an American actress and comedian. Often described as a character acto...