The idols of 765 Production continue on their neverending journey—towards a new stage, towards a bright and shiny future! The girls and their producer have gone through thick and thin, and have stood face to face with all kinds of difficulties. It's time again for the girls to foster their friendship, and through great discipline, they step forward to their starry future.
Rie Kugimiya is a Japanese singer and voice actress affiliated with I'm Enterprise. Some of Kugimiya's most...
a Japanese actress, voice actress and singer. Her better known roles include the Futami twins in The Idolmaster, and...
Yumi Hara was born on January 21, 1985 and is currently 40 years old.
Manami Numakura (沼倉 愛美, Numakura Manami, April 15, 1988) is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Yokohama City,...
Kenji Akabane (赤羽根 健治, Akabane Kenji, October 31, 1984) is a Japanese seiyū (voice actor) from Chiba prefecture,...
Hochu Otsuka (大塚 芳忠, Ōtsuka Hōchū, born Yoshitada Ōtsuka [same kanji], May 19, 1954) is a Japanese voice actor and...
Miku Ito is a Japanese voice actress and pop idol, affiliated with Style Cube.
Sora Amamiya is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Toyko, affiliated with Music Ray'n. After passing an...
Momo Asakura is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Fukuoka Prefecture, employed by Music Ray'n. After passing...
Takuma Terashima (寺島 拓篤, Terashima Takuma) is a Japanese voice actor and singer born in Ishikawa, Japan. Terashima...
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka is a Japanese voice actor from Hokkaido. He is affiliated with I'm Enterprise. He was honored at...