"The Handmaiden" is a captivating and visually stunning film directed by Park Chan-wook, set in 1930s Korea during the Japanese occupation. The movie is a complex tale of love, betrayal, and identity, filled with intrigue and unexpected twists. The two main characters in the film are Kim Min-hee, who plays Lady Hideko, a wealthy Japanese heiress, and Kim Tae-ri, who plays Sookee, a Korean pickpocket and con artist.
Sookee is hired as a handmaiden to Lady Hideko, who lives a secluded life under the watchful eye of her domineering uncle, Kouzuki (Jin-woong Jo). However, things are not as they seem, as Sookee is secretly working with a conman named Fujiwara (Jung-woo Ha) to seduce Lady Hideko and steal her fortune. The plan is for Sookee to convince Lady Hideko to marry Fujiwara, and then have her committed to an asylum, leaving them free to take her wealth.
As the story unfolds, Sookee and Lady Hideko develop a deep and intimate relationship, and the lines between their true selves and their assumed identities become increasingly blurred. The film explores themes of power, manipulation, and the fluidity of identity, challenging the viewer to question their assumptions and preconceptions. With its stunning cinematography, compelling performances, and intricate plot, "The Handmaiden" is a must-watch for fans of world cinema and those looking for a thought-provoking and immersive film experience.
Lee Yong-nyeo (이용녀) is a South Korean actress.
Kwak Eun-jin was born on November 5, 1988 and is currently 36 years old.
Jeong Ha-dam was born on February 28, 1994 and is currently 30 years old.
Lee Ji-ha was born on September 7, 1970 and is currently 54 years old.
Park Ki-Ryoong is a South Korean actor.