The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century is a 1996 documentary series that aired on PBS. It chronicles World War I over eight episodes. It was narrated by Dame Judi Dench in the UK and Salome Jens in the United States.
The series won two Primetime Emmy Awards: one for Jeremy Irons for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance, the other for Outstanding Informational Series. In 1997, it was given a Peabody Award.
An American actor, known for portraying Father Mulcahy in the movie version of M-A-S-H and for creating a number of c...
See René Auberjonois's other roles →Helena Bonham Carter CBE (born 26 May 1966) is an English actress. Known for her roles in independent films and block...
See Helena Bonham Carter's other roles →Ralph Nathaniel Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes (born December 22, 1962) is an English actor, film producer, and director. ...
See Ralph Fiennes's other roles →Malcolm McDowell is an English actor with a career spanning over forty years. McDowell is principally known for his r...
See Malcolm McDowell's other roles →Michael York OBE (born Michael Hugh Johnson; 27 March 1942) is an English actor. After performing on-stage with the R...
See Michael York's other roles →