In the wake of a school tragedy, Vada, Mia and Quinton form a unique and dynamic bond as they navigate the never linear, often confusing journey to heal in a world that feels forever changed.
Jenna Marie Ortega (born September 27, 2002) is an American actress. She began her career as a child actress, receivi...
John Ortiz (born November 21, 1969) is an American actor and Artistic Director/Co-Founder of LAByrinth Theater Compan...
Julie Bowen (born March 3, 1970) is an American film and television actress. She is best known for playing Claire Du...
Shailene Diann Woodley (born November 15, 1991) is an American actress. Born in San Bernardino, California, Woodley w...
Yindra Zayas (who was named after her mom) was born in Miami,Florida on October 27, 1994 to, Yindra Zayas who is of C...