The Ex List is an American comedy-drama television series based on the Israeli series The Mythological X created and written by Sigal Avin. The Americanized version, developed by Diane Ruggiero and produced by Fox Television Studios, premiered on CBS on October 3, 2008. Avin and Ruggiero acted as executive producers with Jonathan Levin, Avi Nir, and Mosh Danon. The series aired on Global in Canada and on Canal Fox on Latin America. The show was short lived due to grim ratings and reviews, and lasted less than a month, with less than half of the produced episodes airing.
Elizabeth Reaser is an American film, television, and stage actress. She is best known for her role as Esme Cullen in...
Rachel Elizabeth Boston (born May 9, 1982 height 5' 9" (1,75 m)) is an American actress and producer.Boston was born ...
Alexandra Breckenridge (born May 15, 1982) is an American film and television actress and photographer, best known fo...
Amir Talai is an actor.
Anne Bedian is a Canadian-Armenian film and television actress.
Mark Deklin was born on December 3, 1967 and is currently 57 years old.
William Russ was born on October 20, 1950 in Portsmouth, Virginia, USA as William Hardy Russ IV. He is known for his ...
Eric Barrett Winter (born July 17, 1976) is an American actor and former fashion model. He has appeared in the televi...
Michael Christopher Landes (born September 18, 1972) is an American actor. He is known for his roles of Jimmy Olsen i...
Josh Braaten (born June 25, 1977) is an American actor.