Fifteen-year-old Deena Marten wants the same freedom every teenager craves. But when she can't have her way, her rebellious temperament erupts in violence. Her parents, Cynthia and Todd, fear her new boyfriend, Garret, 17, is the cause. Distraught, Stephanie turns to alcohol, and Todd escapes in his work. They're unaware their Boy Scout son Adam, 13, sips from a vodka bottle hidden in his bedroom. And the problems in this dysfunctional family continue to worsen.
Hilary Ann Swank (born July 30, 1974) is an American actress and film producer. She first became known in 1992 for...
Joanna Crussie DeVarona Kerns is an American actress and director best known for her role as Maggie Seaver on the...
Daniel Joseph Lauria (born April 12, 1947) is an American actor, known for playing the role of Jack Arnold in The...
Adam Hendershott was born on June 6, 1983 and is currently 41 years old.
Kathleen Wilhoite is an American stage and screen actress, and a singer/songwriter. She enrolled in the USC Drama...