Secret Invasion is an upcoming American television miniseries based on the Marvel Comics storyline of the same name. The show is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), and it promises to be an exciting addition to the franchise. The series will follow two of the MCU's most beloved characters, Nick Fury and Talos, as they uncover a sinister plot that threatens the safety and security of Earth.
Samuel L. Jackson reprises his role as the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury. Fury is a highly skilled intelligence officer and a trusted ally of some of the MCU's most powerful heroes. In Secret Invasion, Fury finds himself facing one of his most significant challenges yet. He and Talos, a Skrull leader played by Ben Mendelsohn, uncover a faction of Skrulls who have been infiltrating Earth for years, posing as humans and gaining their trust. Fury and Talos must work together to expose the shapeshifting Skrulls and prevent them from carrying out their nefarious plans.
Ben Mendelsohn also returns as Talos, the Skrull leader who first appeared in Captain Marvel. Talos is a complex character, driven by a desire to protect his people while also seeking to build a better future for both Skrulls and humans. In Secret Invasion, Talos finds himself in an uncomfortable position, forced to work with his former enemy, Nick Fury, to stop the shapeshifting Skrulls. Despite their differences, Fury and Talos share a common goal, and they must put aside their past grievances to save the world from a devastating invasion.
Secret Invasion promises to be a thrilling ride, filled with action, suspense, and intrigue. The show will explore the complex relationship between Fury and Talos, as they navigate the treacherous waters of intergalactic politics and espionage. With a talented cast and a gripping storyline, Secret Invasion is sure to be a must-watch for fans of the MCU.
Samuel Leroy Jackson (born December 21, 1948) is an American actor and producer. One of the most widely recognized ac...
Killian Scott is an Irish actor known for Love/Hate (2010), '71 (2014), Calvary (2014) and Damnation (2017).
Samuel Adewunmi was born on January 1, 1994 and is currently 30 years old.
Dermot Mulroney (born October 31, 1963) is an American actor. He is known for his roles in romantic comedy, western, ...
Donald Frank Cheadle Jr. is an American actor, author, director, producer and writer. Following early roles in Hambur...
Christopher McDonald (born February 15, 1955) is an American actor. He is known for his roles in Happy Gilmore, Requi...
Katie Finneran (born January 22, 1971) is an American actress best known for her Tony Award-winning performances in t...
Michael Epp was born on September 19, 1983 and is currently 41 years old.
Mark Lewis was born on February 28, 1957 and is currently 67 years old.
Martin John Christopher Freeman is an English actor. Among other accolades, he has won an Emmy Award, a BAFTA Award a...
Anthony "Tony" Curran (born 13 December 1969) is a Scottish actor. Curran was born in Glasgow, Scotland. He is an al...
Seeta Indrani was born on April 20, 1963 and is currently 61 years old.
Giampiero Judica was born on August 29, 1969 and is currently 55 years old.
Anna Wilson-Jones is an English actress. She has appeared in several television productions.
Born in London and raised across London, Spain, and Nigeria, Fagbenle was a world traveler at a young age. As a child...
Sharon Blynn is an American actress and cancer activist.
Lashana Rasheda Lynch (born 27 November 1987) is a British actress. She is best known for playing the role of Rosalin...