Cast and Crew of Running Scared

Cast of
Running Scared

About Running Scared

  • Released on May 01, 1972
  • Drama

When an undergraduate commits suicide, his best friend is sent down from university because he did nothing to prevent the death, which he felt was a choice his friend had a right to make.

Full Cast of Running Scared

Robert Powell
plays Tom Betancourt

Gayle Hunnicutt
plays Ellen Case

Barry Morse
plays Mr. Case

Stephanie Bidmead
plays Mrs. Case

Edward Underdown
plays Mr. Betancourt

Maxine Audley
plays Mrs. Betancourt

Georgia Brown
plays Sarah

Ben Howard
plays Charlie

Paul Williamson
plays John

John Bailey
plays Inspector

John Franklyn-Robbins
plays Dean

Terrence Hardiman
plays Doctor

Terrence Hardiman as Doctor

Terrence Hardiman was an actor better known as the evil headmaster in the BBC children series, The Demon Headmaster.

See Terrence Hardiman's other roles

Bernard Kay
plays Mr. Willis

Andy Bradford
plays Casey

Joseph Greig
plays Porter

Crew of Running Scared

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