Right To Work March

Young Socialists from Glasgow, Liverpool and Swansea march to London and discuss their economic struggles en route. Supporting them are Ken Loach, Corin Redgrave, Arnold Wesker and other leading cultural figures of the left of British politics. The march is intercut with scenes dramatising parallel injustices in the English Civil War era and earlier - featuring Frances de la Tour in queenly mode as Elizabeth I. The film's unconventional structure also features frequent extracts of the rousing pop concert, with the band Slade, which culminated the epic march.

Full Cast of Right To Work March

Vanessa Redgrave

Vanessa Redgrave

Vanessa Redgrave CBE (born 30 January 1937) is an English actress and political activist. Redgrave rose to...

Malcolm Tierney

Malcolm Tierney

Malcolm Tierney was born on February 25, 1938 and is currently 87 years old.

Tony Anscombe

John Bales

Wendy Bales

AJ Barrett

Frank Bevan

Mike Beckham

Howard Blake

Trevor Bond

Alan Bonnin

Sarah Boston

Richard Boultbee

Miriam Brickman

Jack Butler

Kate Campbell

Terry Caragin

Robert Carter

Leon Clore

John Collom

Gordon Coull

Gordon Craddock

Andrew Crighton

Simon Crouch

Mike Davis

Aubrey Dewar

Margaret Dickinson

Geoffrey Edwards

Mike Eskdale

Marlene Fletcher

Reg Foden

George Forgan

Mark Forstater

Bill Francis

Jo Gannon

Tony Garnett

Fiona Gillespie

Nick Hale

Gerry Harrison

Mike Hart

Maurice Hatton

Tony Hines

Stephen Holdroyd

Tony Hooper

A Jewers

Paul Jones

Cliff Judd

Richard Key

Richard King

Bruce Kington

Derrick Knight

Nic Knowland

Eddie Kulkundis

Walter Lassally

Clive Lavender

John Lee

Oscar Lewenstein

Bill Lloyd

Peter Lorne

Gavrik Losey

Simon Louvish

Mike McDuffey

McGuinnes Flint

Douglas McIntosh

Ernie Marsh

Stephen Mellor

David Naden

Trevor Peters

John Pipkin

Tristram Powell

Mike Raphael

Ted Ryan

Michael Samuelson

Thomas Schwalm

Eric Scott-Parker

Bryan Showell

Jim Lea

Don Powell

Roger Smith

Christopher Sprague

Jerry Stavenhagen

Steve Stephens

Pierre Stevens

Charles Stewart

Ivan Strasburg

Peter Taylor

Irving Teitelbaum

Colin Thomas

Howard Thompson

Jim Timms

Jane Val Baker

Colin Voisey

John Watkins

Miranda Watts

Arnold Wesker

Graham Whittaker

E Williams

HM Williams

Mike Williams

Roger Johnson