The adventures and misadventures of Tom and Huck on the Mississippi River in Missouri with their involvement when they fall in with a gang of con artists, take up with a ragtag circus, help a freed slave buy his sister's freedom, and then see a dastardly villain get her.
Michael Anthony Hall (born April 14, 1968), known professionally as Anthony Michael Hall, is an American actor best k...
See Anthony Michael Hall's other roles →Edward James "Ed" Begley, Jr. (born September 16, 1949) is an American actor and environmentalist. Begley is perhaps ...
See Ed Begley Jr.'s other roles →Cynthia Ellen Nixon (born April 9, 1966) is an American actress, activist, and theater director. For her portrayal of...
See Cynthia Nixon's other roles →Hansford Rowe is an actor.
See Hansford Rowe's other roles →