Cast and Crew of Profile

Cast of

About Profile

Looking to investigate recruitment techniques of ISIS to lure women into Syria, a journalist creates a Facebook profile of a Muslim convert. When an ISIS recruiter contacts her online character, she experiences the process first hand.

Full Cast of Profile

Valene Kane
plays Amy Whittaker

Shazad Latif
plays Abu Bilel Al-Britani

Christine Adams
plays Vick

Christine Adams as Vick

Christine Adams was born on August 15, 1974 and is currently 49 years old.

See Christine Adams's other roles

Amir Rahimzadeh
plays Lou

Morgan Watkins
plays Matthew

Therica Wilson-Read
plays Stella

Eloise Thomas
plays Taylor

Emma Cater
plays Kathy

Kelley Mack
plays Converted Female

Kelley Mack as Converted Female

Kelley Mack is an actress based in Los Angeles, California. She was born in Cincinnati, Ohio to a businessman and a r...

See Kelley Mack's other roles

Kate Watson
plays Makeup Tutorial Instructor

Hollie Burgess

Crew of Profile

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