Cast and Crew of Poppy Shakespeare

Cast of
Poppy Shakespeare

About Poppy Shakespeare

  • Released on March 31, 2008
  • Drama

N has been a day patient at north London's Dorothy Fish day hospital for 13 years - her ambition is never to leave. Then she meets glamourous new patient Poppy Shakespeare, an ad agency receptionist convinced she's not mad.

Full Cast of Poppy Shakespeare

Darrell D'Silva
plays Banker Bill

Darrell D'Silva as Banker Bill

Darrell Fitzgerald D'Silva (born 5 January 1964) is a British film and theatre actor, notable for his work with the R...

See Darrell D'Silva's other roles

Simon Kunz
plays Peter Flea

Adrian Scarborough
plays Middle Class Michael

Adrian Scarborough as Middle Class Michael

Adrian Scarborough was born on May 10, 1968 and is currently 56 years old.

See Adrian Scarborough's other roles

Anna Maxwell Martin
plays N

Anna Maxwell Martin as N

​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Anna Maxwell Martin (born May 1977), sometimes credited as Anna Maxwell-Ma...

See Anna Maxwell Martin's other roles

Michelle Dockery
plays Dawn

Michelle Dockery as Dawn

​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Michelle Dockery (born December 15, 1981 in Essex) is an English actress, ...

See Michelle Dockery's other roles