John Gaeta

John Gaeta
Movie and TV Credits

John Gaeta was born on January 1, 1965 and is currently 59 years old.

Movie Credits

John Gaeta has appeared in 11 movies.

These include The Matrix: What Is Bullet-Time?, The Matrix Revolutions: Neo Realism - Evolution of Bullet Time, The Matrix Revolutions: Double Agent Smith, The Matrix Reloaded: Car Chase, The Matrix Revolutions: Super Big Mini Models, Mind Over Matter: The Physicality of the Matrix Future, Making 'Enter the Matrix', Making 'The Matrix', The Matrix Recalibrated, The Matrix Reloaded: Pre-Load and The Matrix Resurrections.

TV Credits

John Gaeta has appeared in 1 TV Series.

These include Help.

Production Credits

John Gaeta has 6 production credits.

Visual Effects

Credited for Visual Effects Supervisor in 4 shows - Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, The Matrix, Teen Titans and Speed Racer.


Credited for Camera Operator in 1 show - Dust Devil.


Credited for Director in 1 show - Trapped Ashes.