Jean Giraud

Jean Giraud
Movie and TV Credits

Jean Giraud was born on May 8, 1938 and passed away 12 years ago at the age of 73 on March 10, 2012.

About Jean Giraud

Jean Henri Gaston Giraud was a French artist, cartoonist, and writer who worked in the Franco-Belgian bandes dessinées tradition.

Movie Credits

Jean Giraud has appeared in 6 movies.

These include In Search of Moebius, MetaMoebius, Moebius Redux: A Life in Pictures, The Masters of Comic Book Art, Fantastic Laloux and Jodorowsky's Dune.

TV Credits

Jean Giraud has appeared in 4 TV Series.

These include The Promise, Screenplay, Prisoners of Gravity and Apostrophes.

Production Credits

Jean Giraud has 20 production credits.


Credited for Concept Artist in 1 show - The Abyss.
Credited for Art Direction in 1 show - The Masters of Time.


Credited for Author in 1 show - Renegade.
Credited for Characters in 1 show - Heavy Metal.
Credited for Adaptation in 1 show - The Masters of Time.
Credited for Writer in 2 shows - The Masters of Time and Arzak Rhapsody.


Credited for In Memory Of in 1 show - Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants.


Credited for Director in 2 shows - La planète encore and Starwatcher.


Credited for Co-Producer in 1 show - Thru the Moebius Strip.
Credited for Unit Production Manager in 1 show - I Can't Sleep.