Greg Zajac

Greg Zajac
Movie and TV Credits

About Greg Zajac

Greg Zajac is an actor, writer, director and a post-production specialist in the animation industry. Born and raised in Brampton, Ontario, Canada,

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Movie Credits

Greg Zajac has appeared in 9 movies.

These include A Very Country Christmas Homecoming, Christmas Catch, Revenge Delivered, Best Friend from Heaven, Super Detention, Bunker Burger, Loose Ends, Little Rabbit's Big Wish and Get The Sucker Back.

TV Credits

Greg Zajac has appeared in 3 TV Series.

These include The Boys, Titans and Private Eyes.

Production Credits

Greg Zajac has 6 production credits.


Credited for Director in 1 show - Loose Ends.


Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - Loose Ends.


Credited for Writer in 2 shows - Little Rabbit's Big Wish and Loose Ends.


Credited for Compositor in 1 show - Gary and His Demons.


Credited for Editor in 1 show - Gary and His Demons.