Gabrielle Stanton
Movie and TV Credits

About Gabrielle Stanton

Gabrielle G. Stanton is a producer and writer.

Movie Credits

Gabrielle Stanton has appeared in 2 movies.

These include Star Trek: The Journey to the Silver Screen and Star Trek: Inside the Roddenberry Vault.

Production Credits

Gabrielle Stanton has 32 production credits.


Credited for Story in 1 show - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Credited for Teleplay in 4 shows - Earth: Final Conflict, Deathlands, The Flash and The Summer I Turned Pretty.


Credited for Producer in 3 shows - Grey's Anatomy, Ugly Betty and Moonlight.
Credited for Executive Producer in 3 shows - Haven, The Flash and The Summer I Turned Pretty.
Credited for Consulting Producer in 2 shows - Haven and The Flash.
Credited for Co-Executive Producer in 2 shows - Defiance and Titans.


Credited for Creator in 1 show - The Summer I Turned Pretty.