Cosmo Jarvis

Cosmo Jarvis
Movie and TV Credits

Cosmo Jarvis was born on September 1, 1989 and is currently 35 years old.

About Cosmo Jarvis

Meet Cosmo Jarvis, a talented singer and actor who first captured our attention in 2009 with his debut album "Humasyouhitch/Sonofabitch." Since then, he has made a name for himself in the film industry with his compelling performances in movies such as "Lady Macbeth" (2016), "Calm with Horses" (2019), and "Funny Face" (2020). But that's not all - Cosmo Jarvis is also a filmmaker, having written, directed, and produced the 2012 film "The Naughty Room." With his versatile skills and undeniable talent, Cosmo Jarvis is definitely an artist to watch!

Movie Credits

Cosmo Jarvis has appeared in 13 movies.

These include Calm with Horses, The Marker, Funny Face, Nocturnal, It Is in Us All, Persuasion, Lady Macbeth, The Evening Hour, Wise Guys, Farming, Spooks: The Greater Good, Annihilation and Hunter Killer.

TV Credits

Cosmo Jarvis has appeared in 5 TV Series.

These include Shōgun, Raised by Wolves, Humans, Peaky Blinders and Vera.

Production Credits

Cosmo Jarvis has 1 production credit.


Credited for Director in 1 show - The Naughty Room.