Cliff Lanning

Cliff Lanning
Movie and TV Credits

Cliff Lanning was born on January 3, 1965 and is currently 59 years old.

Movie Credits

Cliff Lanning has appeared in 1 movie.

These include Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Production Credits

Cliff Lanning has 34 production credits.


Credited for Associate Producer in 3 shows - G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, Gulliver's Travels and Jack Reacher.
Credited for Producer in 1 show - The Fugitive.


Credited for Assistant Director in 1 show - Californication.
Credited for Second Assistant Director in 3 shows - First Knight, Funny Bones and Lost in Space.
Credited for Third Assistant Director in 1 show - Poor Little Rich Girl: The Barbara Hutton Story.