Brian Cox

Brian Cox
Movie and TV Credits

Brian Cox was born on June 1, 1946 and is currently 78 years old.

About Brian Cox

Meet Brian Denis Cox, CBE, a talented Scottish actor born on June 1, 1946. With his remarkable career, Brian is renowned for his work with the prestigious Royal Shakespeare Company, where he garnered critical acclaim for his unforgettable portrayal of King Lear.

Beyond the stage, Brian has also made a significant impact in Hollywood with his versatile acting skills. Some of his notable roles include Dr. Guggenheim in the whimsical film Rushmore and the formidable William Stryker in the action-packed X2.

Did you know that Brian was actually the first actor to bring the iconic character Hannibal Lecter to life on the big screen? This happened in the 1986 production Manhunter, long before Anthony Hopkins' famous portrayal. With such a rich and diverse career, Brian Cox continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

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Movie Credits

Brian Cox has appeared in 173 movies.

Brian Cox's most popular movies include:

TV Credits

Brian Cox has appeared in 66 shows.

Some of the most popular TV Shows include:

Production Credits

Brian Cox has 4 production credits.


Credited for Associate Producer in 1 show - Red.
Credited for Executive Producer in 2 shows - Little Wing and Riff Raff.


Credited for Director in 1 show - Oz.