Ben Edlund

Ben Edlund
Movie and TV Credits

Ben Edlund was born on September 20, 1968 and is currently 55 years old.

About Ben Edlund

Ben Edlund is a producer and writer.

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TV Credits

Ben Edlund has appeared in 1 TV Series.

These include Roadfood: Discovering America One Dish at a Time.

Production Credits

Ben Edlund has 32 production credits.


Credited for Original Story in 1 show - The Venture Bros..
Credited for Story in 2 shows - The Venture Bros. and Supernatural.
Credited for Teleplay in 1 show - Supernatural.
Credited for Screenplay in 1 show - Titan A.E..


Credited for Consulting Producer in 2 shows - Revolution and Fantasy Island.
Credited for Producer in 4 shows - The Tick, Firefly, Point Pleasant and Supernatural.
Credited for Executive Producer in 1 show - The Tick.


Credited for Director in 3 shows - Crawley, Angel and Supernatural.


Credited for Creator in 3 shows - The Tick, The Tick and The Tick.


Credited for Thanks in 1 show - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.
Credited for Creator in 1 show - The Tick.