Cast and Crew of Operation Snafu

Cast of
Operation Snafu

About Operation Snafu

World War II soldiers enter Sicily to seize German arms supply only to discover there is not a gun in sight.

Full Cast of Operation Snafu

Nino Manfredi
plays Rosolino Paternò

Lorenza Guerrieri
plays Vincenzina Puglisi

Jason Robards
plays Sam Armstrong

Peter Falk
plays Peter Pawney

Peter Falk as Peter Pawney

Peter Michael Falk  (September 16, 1927 – June 23, 2011) was an American actor and comedian. He best known for his ro...

See Peter Falk's other roles

Martin Landau
plays Joe Mellone

Martin Landau as Joe Mellone

Martin James Landau (June 20, 1928 – July 15, 2017) was an American actor, acting coach, producer, and editorial cart...

See Martin Landau's other roles

Anthony Dawson
plays Italian General

Frank Latimore
plays tenente statunitense

Slim Pickens
plays General Maxwell

Scott Hylands
plays Reginald Wollington

Scott Hylands as Reginald Wollington

Scott Hylands is a Canadian stage, film and television actor, best known for playing Detective Kevin 'O. B.' O'Brien ...

See Scott Hylands's other roles

Milena Vukotić
plays Annuzza

Corrado Sonni
plays dottor Puglisi

Adalberto Rossetti

Božidarka Frajt

Renzo Marignano

Bill Vanders

Mario Maranzana

Orso Maria Guerrini

Empedocle Buzzanca

Franco Balducci

Bruno Pischiutta

Crew of Operation Snafu

Discover the backstage crew of Operation Snafu →