Ruby Lin delivered a captivating performance in the Taiwanese television series "Only You," where she took on the role of a young, ambitious, and spirited woman named Xiao-you. Her portrayal was both genuine and dynamic, showcasing her character's journey from a hopeful college student to a successful career woman in the field of advertising. Lin's ability to convey a wide range of emotions, from the joys of first love to the heartaches of romantic complications, added depth to the character, making Xiao-you relatable and endearing to the audience. Her on-screen chemistry with her co-star, Van Ness Wu, who played the male lead, was palpable, contributing to the show's success as a romantic drama. Ruby Lin's performance was praised for its nuance and vitality, which not only anchored the series but also left a lasting impression on fans, solidifying her status as a talented actress in the entertainment industry.