Cast of
National Theatre Live: The Kitchen

About National Theatre Live: The Kitchen

  • Released on October 06, 2011
  • Drama

The Kitchen, Arnold Wesker’s "extraordinary black comedy," is directed by Bijan Sheibani and features an ensemble cast of 29 actors. The production is set in a restaurant in 1950s London.

Full Cast of National Theatre Live: The Kitchen

Tom Brooke
plays Peter

Tom Brooke as Peter

Tom Brooke was born on January 1, 1978 and is currently 46 years old.

See Tom Brooke's other roles

Ian Burfield
plays Max

Rory Keenan
plays Kevin

Rory Keenan as Kevin

Rory Keenan was born on June 9, 1980 and is currently 44 years old.

See Rory Keenan's other roles

Katie Lyons
plays Monique

Gerard Monaco
plays Raymondo

Vincenzo Nicoli
plays Alfredo

Luke Norris
plays Michael

Marek Oravec
plays Hans

Samuel Roukin
plays Paul

Sarah Sweeney
plays Jackie

Crew of National Theatre Live: The Kitchen

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