Cast of

About Longing

In the captivating film titled "Longing" directed by acclaimed filmmaker, we encounter a cast of intriguing characters that bring this emotional journey to life. The movie's ensemble is led by none other than renowned actress Diane Kruger who portrays Alice, a woman who has carved her own path through life following her departure from her small hometown. Alice is a complex character, balancing both inner strength and vulnerability as she navigates the twists and turns of her life's narrative.

Richard Gere delivers a remarkable performance as he takes on the role of a powerful and enigmatic business mogul, who remains unnamed throughout the story. As a man who has achieved great financial success, Gere's character has become distant from his humble beginnings and the people from his past. His character bears the marks of time and success, and underneath the refined exterior, he hides a yearning for something more profound than the wealth and power he has acquired.

The heart of the story unfurls when these two characters, once deeply intertwined in their youth, cross paths in the bustling big city. A chance encounter in this seemingly endless metropolis reveals their shared past and uncovers a long-buried secret. The business mogul, unbeknownst to him, had fathered a child with Alice decades ago, and the revelation now threatens to tear apart the carefully crafted world he has built for himself. Yet, as the consequences of this secret reverberate through their lives, both Alice and the business mogul find themselves searching for the truth, redemption, and the genuine connections that they have lost in their years apart.

Full Cast of Longing

Diane Kruger
plays Alice

Diane Kruger as Alice
In the movie 'Longing', Diane Kruger delivers a compelling and emotionally charged performance as Alice, a woman grappling with the complexities of her past. Kruger's portrayal is not only captivating but also deeply nuanced, as she skillfully unveils the layers of her character's emotional turmoil. Her ability to convey vulnerable strength and quiet resilience is a testament to her acting prowess. The audience is drawn into Alice's journey of self-discovery and healing, thanks to Kruger's powerful on-screen presence and her talent for making each moment feel authentic and heartfelt. See Diane Kruger's other roles

Richard Gere

Richard Gere
In the movie 'Longing', Richard Gere delivers a captivating performance as a respected judge named Shlomo, who discovers a long-lost lover from his youth. Gere masterfully embodies the character's transformation as he navigates through the complex realities of his life, balancing the weight of his commitments and responsibilities as a judge with the passionate, emotional journey of reconnecting with his past romance. His subtle expressions, mannerisms, and nuanced portrayal lend an authentic and moving depth to the character, making Longing one of Gere's more memorable performances in his extensive filmography. See Richard Gere's other roles

Shauna MacDonald
plays Emma

Shauna MacDonald as Emma
Shauna MacDonald delivers a captivating performance as Emma in the emotionally resonant film "Longing." Her portrayal of a woman grappling with the complexities of love, loss, and longing is both nuanced and powerful. MacDonald skillfully navigates the character's emotional depth, effortlessly conveying a sense of yearning that draws viewers in and keeps them hooked till the very end. Her ability to authentically depict Emma's internal struggle adds a layer of poignancy to the film, making it a must-watch for those who appreciate compelling character-driven narratives. See Shauna MacDonald's other roles

Wayne Burns
plays Mikey

Stuart Hughes
plays Principal Thomas

Stuart Hughes as Principal Thomas
Stuart Hughes delivers a commanding performance as Principal Thomas in the movie 'Longing', effortlessly embodying the character's delicate balance between authority and empathy. His subtle nuances breathe life into Principal Thomas, making him a memorable figure who navigates the complexities of the school environment with grace and understanding. Hughes' ability to convey the character's inner turmoil and determination is commendable, offering viewers an authentic and captivating portrayal of a school principal grappling with his own longing and the challenges faced by his students. See Stuart Hughes's other roles

Crew of Longing

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