Cast e Troupe di Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica

Dopo una guerra tra gli abitanti delle dodici Colonie di Kobol e i Cyloni (robot creati dagli umani), le due parti hanno raggiunto un armistizio. La pace viene rispettata da entrambe le parti ma, dopo 40 anni, i Cyloni tornano più evoluti e desiderosi di annientare la razza umana. Questa miniserie divisa in due parti della durata di 90' minuti ciascuna, è il pilot della serie omonima del 2004, remake della serie originale del 1978.

Cast Completo di Battlestar Galactica

Mary McDonnell as President Laura Roslin

Mary McDonnell

President Laura Roslin (2 episodes)
Mary McDonnell's portrayal of President Laura Roslin in the reimagined television series "Battlestar Galactica" is a masterclass in complex character development and nuanced leadership. As the unexpected president of the Twelve Colonies, McDonnell brings a depth of emotion and resilience to the role, seamlessly transitioning from a vulnerable, terminally ill education secretary to a strong, decisive, and at times ruthless, wartime leader. Her performance is characterized by a steadfast determination, often depicted through her intense gaze and authoritative voice, which commands the respect of both her allies and adversaries. McDonnell's Roslin is a beacon of hope and stability amidst the chaos of a post-apocalyptic universe, yet she is not without her flaws and moments of doubt, which only serve to humanize her and make her all the more relatable to the audience. Her dynamic on-screen chemistry with co-star Edward James Olmos, who plays Admiral William Adama, adds layers to her character, as their relationship evolves from one of political contention to a deep, mutual respect and partnership. McDonnell's ability to convey the weight of presidential decisions, while grappling with personal challenges, makes her performance as Laura Roslin not only memorable but also an integral part of the show's critical acclaim and enduring legacy.