Cast and Crew of It's Me...Gerald

It's Me...Gerald

It's Me...Gerald is a Canadian television sitcom, airing on Showcase Television.

The show, based on the 2004 mockumentary film Gerald L'Ecuyer: A Filmmaker's Journey, stars Canadian actor and director Gerald L'Ecuyer as a fictionalized version of himself, in a format which somewhat resembles the American comedy series Curb Your Enthusiasm. L'Ecuyer, the character, is a struggling gay theatre director trying to stage a production of Hedda Gabler, who gets involved in various misadventures as he tries to find, through any means necessary, the money to finance his vision while a camera crew documents his efforts.

The cast also includes Beau Starr, Mark Day, Mary McLaughlin, Kristen Thomson and Tom McCamus. The series was created by writer-producers Gail Cook and John McLaughlin in conjunction with L'Ecuyer.

It's Me...Gerald ran for 1 season.

Full Cast of It's Me...Gerald

Angelina Jolie as Claire

Angelina Jolie

as Claire

Angelina Jolie is an American actress. She has received an Academy Award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and three G...

Gary Dourdan as Yates

Gary Dourdan

as Yates

Gary Dourdan is an American actor. He is widely known for portraying Warrick Brown on the television series CSI: Crim...

Melvin Jones

as Rasta Doorman
Martin Roach as Policeman

Martin Roach

as Policeman

Martin Roach is a Canadian actor.

Crew of It's Me...Gerald

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