Set in 1890, this is the story of a Pony Express courier who travels to Arabia to compete with his horse, Hidalgo, in a dangerous race for a massive contest prize, in an adventure that sends the pair around the world...
Viggo Peter Mortensen, Jr. (born October 20, 1958) is an American actor, writer, director, producer, musician, and mu...
Zuleikha Robinson (born 29 June 1977) is an English actress, raised in Thailand and Malaysia by a Burmese-Indian moth...
Louise Lombard is an English actress. Lombard's Irish parents left Dublin in the mid-1950s. She was born in London, E...
Jonathan Kimble Simmons (born January 9, 1955) is an American actor. He has been cited as one of the greatest contemp...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Silas Carson (born 1965) is an English actor, mostly known for playing Jedi Ma...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Christopher Thomas Howell (born December 7, 1966), usually credited as C. Tho...
Frank trained at the American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco, earned his BA in theatre at San Francisco State ...
Saïd Taghmaoui (born July 19, 1973) is a French actor and screenwriter of Moroccan background. One of his defining sc...
Peter Osei Mensah (born on 27 August 1959, ht. 6'3"), is a Ghanaian-English actor, best known for his roles in Tears ...
He was a guest on notable shows including CSI: Miami, Criminal Minds, Major Crimes and The Guest Book.
Todd Kimsey was born on June 6, 1962 and passed away 8 years ago at the age of 54 on September 16, 2016.
Malcolm McDowell is an English actor with a career spanning over forty years. McDowell is principally known for his r...
Moses Brings Plenty was born on the Pine Ridge Reservation, in South Dakota. He is a direct descendant of Brings Plen...