Reparto y equipo de White House Plumbers

White House Plumbers

El Caso Watergate fue malo. Ellos fueron peores.

Serie que cuenta la historia de cómo los saboteadores políticos de Nixon y autores intelectuales del Watergate, E. Howard Hunt y G. Gordon Liddy, acabaron sin querer con la presidencia que tanto intentaban proteger.

Cast completo de White House Plumbers

Woody Harrelson as E. Howard Hunt

Woody Harrelson

E. Howard Hunt (5 episodes)
E. Howard Hunt is a character from the TV show White House Plumbers. He is a former CIA agent and conservative political operative who becomes embroiled in the Watergate scandal.

Quotes from E. Howard Hunt

  1. I never really had anything against Kennedy personally. But I did have strong opinions about what he was doing to this country.
Lena Headey as Dorothy Hunt

Lena Headey

Dorothy Hunt (5 episodes)
Dorothy Hunt was a socialite and wife of former CIA agent, E. Howard Hunt. She played a key role in the Watergate scandal as she was tasked with destroying incriminating documents. She was also known for her involvement in government espionage and her close ties to President Nixon's administration.

Quotes from Dorothy Hunt

  1. I hope nobody expects me to be literary. I am a Republican.
  2. I think it's all better off left unsaid. No point in making a big fuss.
  3. I'm the kind of girl men don't really care for.
  4. I'm sorry, Richard, but you Americans are always looking for someone to blame. Sometimes there just isn't anyone.
Judy Greer as Fran Liddy

Judy Greer

Fran Liddy (5 episodes)

Judy Greer (nacida el 20 de julio de 1975, altura, 5 '8 "(1,73 m)) es una actriz estadounidense conocida por...

Alexis Valdés as Felipe De Diego

Alexis Valdés

Felipe De Diego (5 episodes)
Felipe De Diego is a former Cuban football player turned CIA agent who is recruited to help with the Watergate scandal in the show White House Plumbers. He speaks multiple languages, is highly skilled in espionage, and is known for his calm demeanor under pressure.

Quotes from Felipe De Diego

  1. 'Every game is a final.'
  2. 'I may not know baseball, but I certainly know crooks.'
Kiernan Shipka as Kevan Hunt

Kiernan Shipka

Kevan Hunt (5 episodes) , Kevan Hunt (3 episodes)
Kevan Hunt is a political strategist and consultant, who works with President Nixon's administration to stop classified information leaks during the Watergate Scandal. He is known for his smooth-talking skills and ability to navigate difficult situations with ease.

Quotes from Kevan Hunt

  1. The key to a successful cover-up is to be better at it than whoever's trying to uncover it.
  2. Let's get this job done.

Equipo de White House Plumbers

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