Reparto y equipo de Whiplash


El camino al éxito te puede llevar al límite.

El objetivo de Andrew Neiman, un joven y ambicioso baterista de jazz, es triunfar en el elitista Conservatorio de Música de la Costa Este en el que estudia. Marcado por el fracaso de la carrera literaria de su padre, Andrew alberga sueños de grandeza. Terence Fletcher, un profesor conocido tanto por su talento como por sus rigurosos métodos de enseñanza, dirige el mejor conjunto de jazz del Conservatorio. Cuando Fletcher elige a Andrew y para formar parte del conjunto musical que dirige, cambia para siempre la vida del joven. La pasión de Andrew por alcanzar la perfección se convierte en obsesión, al tiempo que su despiadado profesor lo lleva al límite de su capacidad y de su salud mental.

Cast completo de Whiplash

J.K. Simmons as Fletcher

J.K. Simmons

J.K. Simmons delivers a tour-de-force performance as Terence Fletcher in 'Whiplash', a demanding and ruthless music instructor who pushes his students to the brink of their abilities. Simmons' portrayal of Fletcher is both terrifying and captivating, as he seamlessly switches between a charismatic and inspiring mentor to a cruel and abusive taskmaster. His performance earned him the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, and rightfully so, as he brings a level of intensity and complexity to the character that is truly unforgettable.
Melissa Benoist as Nicole

Melissa Benoist

Melissa Benoist delivers a compelling performance as Nicole in 'Whiplash'. Her character, a college student and love interest of the protagonist, provides a much-needed respite from the intense and often brutal world of music school. Benoist brings a warmth and vulnerability to the role, making her character's transition from a supportive girlfriend to a heartbroken ex all the more impactful. Her performance is a testament to her versatility as an actress, showcasing her ability to shine even in a smaller role.