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Hace mucho, mucho tiempo, en una lejanísima ciénaga vivía un intratable ogro llamado Shrek. Pero de repente, un día, su absoluta soledad se ve interrumpida por una invasión de sorprendentes personajes de cuento. Hay ratoncitos ciegos en su comida, un enorme y malísimo lobo en su cama, tres cerditos sin hogar y otros muchos seres increíbles que han sido deportados de su reino por el malvado Lord Farquaad. Para conseguir salvar su terreno, y de paso a sí mismo, Shrek hace un pacto con Farquaad y emprende viaje para conseguir que la preciosa princesa Fiona sea la novia del Lord. En tan importante misión le acompañan un burro chistoso, dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa por Shrek. Todo, menos estarse calladito. Rescatar a la princesa de una dragona enamoradiza que suelta fuego al respirar va a resultar una tontería comparado con lo que ocurre cuando el oscuro secreto que la joven guardaba es revelado.
Cast completo de Shrek
Eddie Murphy
Donkey (voice)
Eddie Murphy's performance as Donkey in 'Shrek' is a standout, showcasing his comedic prowess and knack for creating lovable characters. With his energetic voice acting, Murphy brings to life the chatty, loyal, and slightly irritating sidekick, Donkey. His comedic timing and witty banter with Mike Myers' Shrek provide some of the film's most memorable moments. Despite his character's flaws, Murphy's Donkey is endearing and adds a layer of warmth and humor to the story, making him a fan favorite.
Cameron Diaz
Princess Fiona (voice)
Cameron Diaz's portrayal of Princess Fiona in 'Shrek' is nothing short of delightful. Her voice acting brings the character to life with a perfect blend of sass, vulnerability, and humor. Diaz's performance adds depth to Fiona, making her more than just a damsel in distress. She expertly navigates the character's transformation from a seemingly traditional princess to a strong, independent ogre, showcasing her versatility as an actress. Diaz's performance is a significant contribution to the film's overall charm and success.
John Lithgow
Lord Farquaad (voice)
John Lithgow's performance as Lord Farquaad in 'Shrek' is a standout example of his vocal versatility and comedic timing. His portrayal of the diminutive, power-hungry lord is both hilarious and menacing, perfectly capturing the character's pompous and tyrannical nature. Lithgow's delivery of Farquaad's lines, particularly his nasal and condescending tone, adds an extra layer of humor to the character. His performance is a testament to his talent as a voice actor and his ability to bring a character to life through his voice alone.
Vincent Cassel
Monsieur Hood (voice)
Vincent Cassel's performance as Monsieur Hood in 'Shrek' is a delightful twist on the classic character of Robin Hood. Cassel brings a suave and sophisticated charm to the role, with his rich, velvety voice adding an extra layer of allure. His portrayal is both humorous and captivating, making Monsieur Hood a standout character in the film. Cassel's performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor, effortlessly transitioning from dramatic roles to animated comedy.
Equipo de Shrek
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