Reparto y equipo de ¡Olvídate de mí!

¡Olvídate de mí!

Ya me olvide de lo que sentía por ti.

Una mujer usa los servicios de una empresa para borrar de su memoria todo recuerdo de su ex pareja. Ofendido, el hombre intenta hacer lo mismo que ella, pero el proceso no sucede según lo esperado y el protagonista debe atravesar la gigantesca marea de recuerdos de su propio cerebro para recomponer las cosas.

Cast completo de ¡Olvídate de mí!

Kirsten Dunst as Mary

Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst delivers a memorable performance as Mary Svevo in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." Her character, a receptionist at the memory-erasing clinic, is initially portrayed as an innocent and somewhat naive young woman. However, as the story unfolds, Dunst skillfully reveals Mary's hidden depths, including her unrequited love for her boss, Dr. Howard Mierzwiak. Dunst's nuanced portrayal of Mary's complex emotions and her ability to hold her own against powerhouse actors like Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet make her performance a standout in this thought-provoking film.
Elijah Wood as Patrick

Elijah Wood

Elijah Wood delivers a captivating performance as Patrick in 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'. His character, initially appearing as a simple, awkward tech geek, gradually reveals a more sinister side. Wood expertly balances Patrick's innocence and malevolence, making the audience question their own perceptions. His performance is a testament to his versatility as an actor, as he seamlessly transitions from light-hearted humor to intense drama, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.