Uno de los más grandes héroes de la historia de Estados Unidos nunca disparó una bala.
Narra la historia de Desmond Doss, un joven médico militar que participó en la sangrienta batalla de Okinawa, en el Pacífico durante la II Guerra Mundial, y se convirtió en el primer objetor de conciencia en la historia estadounidense en recibir la Medalla de Honor del Congreso. Doss quería servir a su país, pero desde pequeño se había hecho una promesa a sí mismo: no coger jamás ningún arma.
Cast completo de Hasta el último hombre
Andrew Garfield
Desmond T. Doss
In the movie 'Hacksaw Ridge', Andrew Garfield delivers a powerful and moving performance as Desmond T. Doss, a real-life World War II hero. Garfield portrays Doss with a quiet intensity and deep conviction, capturing the essence of a man who refuses to bear arms due to his religious beliefs, yet still chooses to serve his country as a medic. His portrayal is both nuanced and heartfelt, showcasing Doss's unwavering courage and determination in the face of adversity. Garfield's performance is a testament to his acting skills and serves as a fitting tribute to Doss's incredible story.
Hugo Weaving delivers a powerful performance as Tom Doss in "Hacksaw Ridge". As the father of the film's protagonist, Desmond Doss, Weaving portrays a man haunted by his experiences in World War I and struggling to reconcile his pacifist beliefs with the harsh realities of war. His nuanced portrayal of a man wrestling with his past and trying to protect his son from the same fate is both moving and thought-provoking. Weaving's performance adds depth and complexity to the film, making it a standout in his already impressive body of work.
Equipo de Hasta el último hombre
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