Nadie está por encima de la ley
Freddy Heflin es el sheriff de un lugar que todos llaman "Cop Land", un pueblo pequeño y aparentemente tranquilo poblado por los policías de la gran ciudad que siempre ha admirado. Sin embargo, algo feo está ocurriendo detrás de la tranquila fachada de la ciudad. Y cuando Freddy descubre una conspiración masiva y mortal entre estos residentes locales, se ve obligado a tomar medidas y tomar una decisión peligrosa entre proteger a sus ídolos y hacer cumplir la ley.
Cast completo de Copland
Sylvester Stallone
Sheriff Freddy Heflin
In the gripping crime drama "Cop Land," Sylvester Stallone delivers a powerful and transformative performance as Sheriff Freddy Heflin, a role that stands out in his expansive career. Stallone convincingly portrays Heflin as a small-town New Jersey cop grappling with a corrupt system, his moral compass, and the consequences of his own inaction. Shedding the typical action hero persona that he is known for, Stallone imbues Heflin with a quiet sense of vulnerability and determination, earning acclaim from critics for his nuanced and courageous acting in this film.
Ray Liotta
Gary "Figgsy" Figgis
In the gripping crime drama 'Cop Land', Ray Liotta delivers a captivating performance as Gary "Figgsy" Figgis, an Internal Affairs detective with a checkered past. Liotta expertly portrays Figgsy's struggle between his loyalty to the corrupt police force in Garrison, New Jersey and his desire to make amends for his own misdeeds. His nuanced portrayal of Figgsy's internal conflict and his eventual transformation into a pivotal ally for Sylvester Stallone's Sheriff Freddy Heflin adds depth to this thought-provoking exploration of corruption and morality in small-town America.