Una joven nigeriana busca asilo internacional en Irlanda. Atrapada en el limbo durante años en el sistema de inmigración irlandés, Aisha Osagie (Letitia Wright) desarrolla una amistad con el ex prisionero Conor Healy (Josh O'Connor), a quien conoce en uno de los centros de alojamiento. La creciente amistad de Aisha y Conor pronto parece ser efímera, ya que el futuro de Aisha en Irlanda se ve amenazado.
Cast completo de Aisha
Letitia Wright
Aisha Osagie
Letitia Wright delivers a captivating performance as Aisha Osagie in the movie 'Aisha'. Her portrayal of the titular character is both heartfelt and powerful, as she navigates the complexities of Aisha's life with a blend of vulnerability and strength. Wright's ability to convey Aisha's emotions with such depth and authenticity makes her performance truly stand out. Her on-screen presence is commanding, making it impossible for viewers to look away. Overall, Wright's performance in 'Aisha' is a testament to her immense talent and versatility as an actress.