Set in a distant past, 'Dune: Prophecy' unfolds ten thousand years before the rise of Paul Atreides, shedding light on the pivotal origins of the Bene Gesserit. Central to this narrative are the formidable Harkonnen sisters, Valya and Tula, portrayed by the talented Emily Watson and Olivia Williams, respectively. Their journey begins as they navigate a treacherous universe filled with political intrigue and existential challenges. The sisters, driven by an unwavering vision, seek to establish an influential sect that would not only safeguard their lineage but also shape the future of humanity itself.
As Valya and Tula Harkonnen delve deeper into their mission, they craft the foundational principles of the Bene Gesserit, a renowned sisterhood marked by its unique abilities and intricate training. Their quest for knowledge and power propels them through a series of trials where they must confront not only external threats from rival factions but also internal struggles. This exploration of the bond between the sisters fosters a rich narrative about loyalty, ambition, and the sacrifices necessary to achieve greatness, while illustrating the philosophical tenets that define their order.
The film not only highlights the personal journeys of Valya and Tula but also sets the stage for the legacy of the Bene Gesserit in the broader 'Dune' saga. As the story unfolds, audiences are invited to witness the sisters' evolution from mere political players to the architects of a profound philosophical and spiritual movement. 'Dune: Prophecy' serves as an engaging prelude that intricately weaves together character development, rich lore, and the formidable impact of choices made long ago—choices that resonate throughout the annals of human history.
Olivia Haigh Williams (born 26 July 1968) is a British actress who has appeared in British and American films and tel...
Travis Fimmel (born 15 July 1979) is an Australian actor and former model. He is known for his role as Ragnar Lothbro...
Jodhi Tania May (née Hakim-Edwards; 8 May 1975) is a British actress. Starting her career as a child actress, she is ...
Chris Mason is an actor, known for Broadchurch (2013), Legend (2015) and Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists (201...
Mark Strong (born Marco Giuseppe Salussolia; 5 August 1963) is a British actor. He is best known for his film roles s...
Joshua Heuston is an Australian model and actor, known for Dive Club (2021) and Heartbreak High (2022).
Mark Addy (born 14 January 1964) is an English actor. He is known for varied roles in British television, including D...
Jihae Kim is a South Korean composer/songwriter/actress is focused on how each individual’s awareness, or cluelessnes...
Parker Sawyers (born May 24, 1983) is an American actor.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sam Spruell is a British actor. His film credits include Defiance (2008), Eli...
Karima McAdams was born on February 14, 1985 and is currently 39 years old.
Polly Alexandra Walker was born on May 19, 1966 in Warrington, Cheshire, England. She graduated from Ballet Rambert S...
Tanya Moodie was born on April 16, 1972 and is currently 52 years old.
Wayne Brett is an actor and director, known for Érzékek telke (2020), The Antique Vase (2013) and Sweetwood (2015).
Attila Arpa was born on November 17, 1971 in Munich, West Germany. He is an actor and producer, known for Atomic Blon...
Steve Oram was born on August 25, 1973 and is currently 51 years old.