The story of Leroy "Satchel" Paige, the legendary pitcher, from his barnstorming days in the 1920s, hoping to break into organized "negro" baseball, to his emergence at age 43 in the major leagues with the Cleveland Indians the year after Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier.
Louis Gossett Jr. (born May 27, 1936) is an American film and television actor, best known for his role as Gunnery Se...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Beverly Todd (born July 11, 1946) is an American actress, producer and writer....
Tonea Stewart was born on February 3, 1947 and is currently 77 years old.
Don Blakely was born on July 26, 1938 and passed away 20 years ago at the age of 65 on January 13, 2004.
Gloria taught at the American Film Institute for six years in the Masters' Program. She taught Directors, Writers and...