Cast of
Doc Holliday's Revenge

About Doc Holliday's Revenge

  • Released on June 01, 2014
  • Western

In 1882, Joseph and Elizabeth Cooley head West to reunite with family she never knew. But when she, Joseph, and her older brother, Millard, are stranded in a logging camp just outside Tucson a wounded Indian stumbles into their camp and they must defend him against Doc Holliday, his would-be killer. Elizabeth considers Doc a stone-cold killer -- but may find, during the course of their tense stand-off, that this courtly, ailing man has a surprisingly well-honed sense of justice, frontier-style...

Full Cast of Doc Holliday's Revenge

Tom Berenger
plays Judge Wells

Tom Berenger as Judge Wells

Tom Berenger is an American television and motion picture actor. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supp...

See Tom Berenger's other roles

Ashley Hayes
plays Elizabeth

Eric Roberts
plays William

Eric Roberts as William

An American actor. His career began with a well-received performance in King of the Gypsies (1978), for which he earn...

See Eric Roberts's other roles

Bart Voitila
plays Joseph

Oliver Rayon
plays Charlie

Randy Jay Burrell
plays Millard

Daniel Dannas
plays Clark

William McNamara

Crew of Doc Holliday's Revenge

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