Cast and Crew of Dirty God

Cast of
Dirty God

About Dirty God

  • Released on April 11, 2019
  • Drama

Jade is a young mother in the prime of her life when an acid attack leaves her severely burned. While her face has been reconstructed, her beauty is lost beneath the scars. Descending a self-destructive path with relationships crumbling, Jade must take drastic action to reclaim her life.

Full Cast of Dirty God

Vicky Knight
plays Jade

Katherine Kelly
plays Lisa

Luke White
plays Reece

Tachia Newall
plays Kieran

Tachia Newall as Kieran

Tachia Newall was born on January 10, 1990 and is currently 34 years old.

See Tachia Newall's other roles

Frieda Thiel
plays Ronit

Wendy Albiston
plays Pat

Wendy Albiston as Pat

Wendy Albiston was born on January 13, 1969 and is currently 55 years old.

See Wendy Albiston's other roles

Michael John Treanor
plays Tony Tightfit

Karl Jackson
plays Eli

Alys Metcalf
plays Daisy

Rebecca stone
plays Shami

Bluey Robinson
plays Naz

Dana Marineci
plays Flavia

Eliza Brady-Girard
plays Rae

plays Tal

Malique Warner
plays Damo

Jake Wheeldon
plays David

Rosie Akerman
plays Stacey

Tom Wainwright
plays Danny

Adam Forster
plays Dinosaur Man

Kerry Norton
plays Consultant Burns Surgeon

Kerry Norton as Consultant Burns Surgeon

Kerry Norton was born on October 11, 1973 and is currently 50 years old.

See Kerry Norton's other roles

Meg McNaughton
plays Nurse

Davina Moon
plays Scars therapist

Kazia Pelka
plays High Court Judge

Georgia Fisher
plays Girl in Haunted House

Crew of Dirty God

Discover the backstage crew of Dirty God →