Jemand sagte, sie sollen sich ein Leben schaffen … also taten sie es.
Louise Sawyer und Thelma Dickinson sind zwei Hausfrauen, die endlich mal aus ihrem öden Eintagsleben ausbrechen wollen. Sie beschließen spontan zu verreisen, um endlich mal frei zu sein. An einer Raststätte versucht ein Mann Thelma zu vergewaltigen, woraufhin Louise ihn erschießt. Statt der Polizei die Notsituation zu erklären, flüchten die Beiden vom Tatort. Von nun an sind Polizist Hal Slocumb und etliche Polizisten hinter ihnen her. Die biederen Hausfrauen werden zu gejagten Outlaws...
Gesamte Besetzung von Thelma & Louise
Susan Sarandon's portrayal of Louise in the groundbreaking film "Thelma & Louise" is a masterclass in nuanced acting, where she brings depth and complexity to the role of a resilient waitress yearning for a life beyond the confines of her mundane existence. As Louise, Sarandon embodies a character torn between her sense of responsibility and a desperate desire for freedom, crafting a performance that is both emotionally resonant and empowering. Her on-screen chemistry with co-star Geena Davis is electric, as they navigate a transformative journey that oscillates between carefree adventure and harrowing escapade. Sarandon imbues Louise with a steely determination and a protective instinct over her friend Thelma, played by Davis, which is both fierce and nurturing. Her performance is highlighted by an unflinching portrayal of a woman pushed to her limits, making bold choices that defy societal expectations and ultimately redefine her destiny. Susan Sarandon's Louise is not just an iconic character in feminist cinema but a testament to her talent as an actor capable of conveying the full spectrum of human emotion with authenticity and grace.
Geena Davis delivered a career-defining performance as Thelma in the groundbreaking film "Thelma & Louise," directed by Ridley Scott. As the naive and sheltered housewife who embarks on a life-changing road trip with her friend Louise, played by Susan Sarandon, Davis imbued her character with a complex blend of vulnerability and burgeoning strength. Initially presented as submissive and dependent, Thelma's transformation under Davis's nuanced portrayal becomes the emotional core of the film. Her evolution from a woman constrained by her domestic role into a self-assured individual taking control of her destiny is both captivating and inspiring. Davis's performance is highlighted by her ability to convey Thelma's awakening with authenticity and grace, earning her an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Her chemistry with Sarandon is electric, and together they redefined the portrayal of female friendship and empowerment on screen, leaving an indelible mark on cinematic history.
William Bradley "Brad" Pitt (* 18. Dezember 1963) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler und Filmproduzent. Pitt...
Jason Deneen Beghè (geboren am 12. März 1960) ist ein amerikanischer Film- und Fernsehschauspieler und Kritiker von...
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