Ein singendes Pony, das ein Star werden möchte, wird plötzlich berühmt, als es sich in ein glitzerndes Einhorn verwandelt. Aber so bekannt zu sein, ist ganz schön wild!
Gesamte Besetzung von Thelma, das Einhorn
Will Forte delivers an outstanding vocal performance in "Thelma the Unicorn" as the character Otis. His comedic timing and unique vocal inflection bring an endearing charm to the donkey who becomes best friends with a unicorn. Will's ability to convey the warmth, humor, and loyalty of Otis makes the character truly engaging and memorable. Thelma and Otis's friendship is one of the film's highlights, and Will Forte's performance significantly contributes to the overall heartwarming tone of the movie. Viewers are bound to appreciate Will's incredible talent as he breathes life into Otis with his exceptional voice acting.