Nach einer weltweiten Zombie-Apokalypse sucht eine Gruppe Überlebender, unter Führung des Sheriffs Rick Grimes, nach einer dauerhaften und vor allem sicheren Bleibe. Dabei stellen die fast überall präsenten Untoten eine permanent vorhandene Bedrohung dar, die jederzeit ohne Vorwarnung zuschlagen kann.
Rick Grimes is a former sheriff's deputy who becomes the leader of a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies.
Negan Smith is a major antagonist in the TV series The Walking Dead. He is the leader of 'The Saviors' and known for his charismatic personality, sharp tongue, and brutal tactics. Negan's weapon of choice is a barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat that he affectionately calls Lucille.
Carol Peletier is a survivor in The Walking Dead. She has a hard exterior due to the hardships she has faced. She is fiercely protective of the people she cares about and has grown to be a vital member of the group.