Schneller. Höher. Weiter. Gemeinsam.
Als die Pflicht sie zu einem anomalen Wurmloch ruft, das ein Kree-Revolutionär ausgelöst hat, werden die Kräfte von Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel), Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel), ein Superfan Jersey Citys, und Carols Nichte, die S.A.B.E.R.-Astronautin Captain Monica Rambeau, vereint. Das ungleiche Trio muss als „The Marvels“ das Universum retten.
Gesamte Besetzung von The Marvels
Brie Larson
Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
Brie Larson's performance as Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel in 'The Marvels' is nothing short of phenomenal. She brings a captivating blend of strength, vulnerability, and humor to the role, making Carol Danvers a truly relatable and inspiring superhero. Larson's portrayal of Danvers' journey from a fierce Air Force pilot to a cosmic hero is both compelling and engaging. Her chemistry with her co-stars, particularly Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, adds depth to the character dynamics. Overall, Larson's performance is a standout, further solidifying her as a formidable force in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Samuel L. Jackson
Nick Fury
Samuel L. Jackson's portrayal of Nick Fury in 'The Marvels' is nothing short of exceptional. His charismatic presence and commanding voice bring the character to life, making him a standout in the ensemble cast. Jackson's ability to balance Fury's stern demeanor with moments of humor and vulnerability adds depth to the character, making him more relatable to the audience. His performance is a testament to his acting prowess and his long-standing contribution to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Hailee Steinfeld
Kate Bishop
Hailee Steinfeld (* 11. Dezember 1996 in Tarzana, Los Angeles, Kalifornien) ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin...