Die nie erzählte Geschichte beginnt.
Peter Parker ist ein Außenseiter, der als kleiner Junge von seinen Eltern verlassen worden ist und seitdem von seinem Onkel Ben und Tante May aufgezogen wird. Wie die meisten Teenager, versucht Peter herauszufinden, wer er ist und wie er zu der Person geworden ist, die er heute ist. Außerdem findet er seine erste High School Liebe, Gwen Stacy. Gemeinsam kämpfen die beiden um Liebe, Hingabe und Geheimnisse. Als Peter einen mysteriösen Aktenkoffer entdeckt, der einst seinem Vater gehört hat, fängt er damit an, Nachforschungen anzustellen, weil er verstehen will, warum seine Eltern damals so plötzlich verschwunden sind. Seine Recherchen führen ihn direkt zu Oscorp und dem Labor von Dr. Curt Connors, dem ehemaligen Partner seines Vaters. Nachdem Spider-Man sich auf einen Kollisionskurs mit Connors Alter Ego The Lizard begeben hat, muss Peter einige lebensverändernde Entscheidungen treffen, wie er seine Kräfte einsetzt. Und er formt sein Schicksal, ein Held zu sein.
Gesamte Besetzung von The Amazing Spider-Man
Andrew Garfield
Spider-Man / Peter Parker
Andrew Garfield's portrayal of Peter Parker / Spider-Man in 'The Amazing Spider-Man' is a refreshing take on the iconic character. Garfield brings a sense of vulnerability and relatability to the role, making Peter Parker feel like a real teenager dealing with the challenges of high school and the responsibilities of being a superhero. His performance is both emotionally engaging and physically impressive, as he convincingly portrays Spider-Man's agility and strength. Overall, Garfield's performance is a standout aspect of the film, as he effectively captures the essence of the beloved character.
Emma Stone's performance as Gwen Stacy in 'The Amazing Spider-Man' is nothing short of captivating. Her portrayal of the intelligent and fiercely independent character is both authentic and endearing. Stone brings a refreshing blend of wit and vulnerability to the role, making Gwen Stacy a standout character in the Marvel universe. Her on-screen chemistry with Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man is electric, adding depth and emotion to the film's action-packed narrative. Overall, Stone's performance is a testament to her versatility as an actress and her ability to breathe life into complex characters.
Rhys Ifans
The Lizard / Dr. Curt Connors
In "The Amazing Spider-Man," Rhys Ifans delivers a captivating performance as Dr. Curt Connors, a brilliant scientist who eventually transforms into the monstrous Lizard. Ifans skillfully balances Connors' desperation to find a cure for his missing arm and his obsession with reptilian regeneration, making the character both sympathetic and menacing. His transformation into the Lizard is equally impressive, as Ifans brings a terrifying physicality and emotional depth to the villain, making him a formidable adversary for Spider-Man. Overall, Ifans' performance adds a compelling layer to the film's narrative, showcasing his versatility as an actor.
Denis Leary delivers a commendable performance as Captain Stacy in 'The Amazing Spider-Man'. His portrayal of the stern and protective father, as well as the dedicated police officer, adds a layer of depth to the character. Leary's on-screen charisma and his ability to switch between tough love and genuine concern make his interactions with both Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker and Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy quite compelling. His performance significantly contributes to the film's emotional weight, particularly during his character's pivotal moments.
Martin Sheen delivers a heartfelt and grounded performance as Uncle Ben in "The Amazing Spider-Man." His portrayal of the character as a wise and caring father figure to Peter Parker is both endearing and impactful. Sheen's performance is particularly noteworthy in the emotional scenes, where his delivery of the iconic line "With great power comes great responsibility" resonates with the audience and sets the tone for the rest of the film. Overall, Sheen's performance as Uncle Ben is a standout in the movie and a testament to his acting abilities.
Sally Field's portrayal of Aunt May in 'The Amazing Spider-Man' is a refreshing take on the character, bringing warmth and vulnerability to the role. Field skillfully balances the character's strength and resilience with her deep concern for her nephew, Peter Parker. Her nuanced performance adds depth to the film, making Aunt May more than just a supporting character. Field's ability to convey a range of emotions with subtlety and grace truly makes her performance stand out.
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Mary Parker
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C. Thomas Howell
Jack's Father
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Skyler Gisondo
Howard Stacy
Skyler Gisondo (* 22. Juli 1996 in Palm Beach County, Florida) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler und...
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