Besetzung und Crew von Terminator: Genisys

Terminator: Genisys

Die Zukunft hat sich geändert

Im Jahr 2029 kämpft der Rebellenanführer John Connor gegen die Übermacht des Skynet-Maschinenimperiums. Er schickt seinen loyalen Freund Kyle Reese zurück ins Jahr 1983, um seine Mutter Sarah Connor vor einem Killer-Roboter zu beschützen und so die Zukunft der Menschheit sicherzustellen. Doch als Kyle Reese im Los Angeles der 1980er ankommt, muss er feststellen, dass die erwartete Vergangenheit nicht mehr existiert. Sarahs Eltern wurden von einem durch die Zeit gereisten Terminator ermordet, ein Android des Modells T-800 hatte das 9-jährige Mädchen danach beschützt und großgezogen. Kyle erklärt Sarah, was in der Zukunft geschehen wird, doch sie wehrt sich entschieden gegen die Vorstellung, dass ihre Geschichte schon vorherbestimmt ist – und nimmt den Kampf mit Gegnern wie dem T-1000 auf…

Gesamte Besetzung von Terminator: Genisys

Arnold Schwarzenegger as Guardian

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger's performance as Guardian in 'Terminator Genisys' is a nostalgic delight for fans of the franchise. He reprises his iconic role with the same commanding presence and deadpan humor that made his original portrayal of the Terminator so memorable. Schwarzenegger's Guardian is more than just a machine; he's a seasoned protector with a dry wit and a surprising capacity for emotional depth. His performance adds a layer of warmth and humanity to the action-packed film, making it a must-watch for both newcomers and long-time fans of the Terminator series.
Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor

Emilia Clarke

Sarah Connor
Emilia Clarke's portrayal of Sarah Connor in 'Terminator Genisys' is a refreshing take on the iconic character. Clarke brings a blend of strength and vulnerability to the role, showcasing Sarah's transformation from a naive young woman to a formidable warrior. Her chemistry with Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator is particularly noteworthy, adding depth to their complex relationship. While the film itself received mixed reviews, Clarke's performance was widely praised for its authenticity and emotional resonance.
Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese

Jai Courtney

Kyle Reese
Jai Courtney's portrayal of Kyle Reese in 'Terminator Genisys' is commendable, as he brings a fresh perspective to the character originally played by Michael Biehn. Courtney successfully captures Reese's determination and resourcefulness, making him a convincing and engaging hero. His chemistry with Emilia Clarke's Sarah Connor adds depth to their relationship, and his performance effectively balances the action-packed sequences with moments of emotional intensity. Overall, Courtney's performance is a highlight of the film, contributing to its entertaining and thrilling narrative.
J.K. Simmons as O'Brien

J.K. Simmons

J.K. Simmons delivers a standout performance as Detective O'Brien in 'Terminator Genisys'. His character is a seasoned cop who is initially skeptical of the time-traveling antics of the Terminators, but eventually becomes a key ally in the fight against Skynet. Simmons brings a sense of gravitas and humor to the role, making O'Brien a memorable and endearing character. His performance is a highlight of the film and adds depth to the overall story.
Matt Smith as Alex

Matt Smith


Matthew Robert Smith (* 28. Oktober 1982 in Northampton, England) ist ein britischer Schauspieler. Nachdem er in...

Teri Wyble as Mariam

Teri Wyble


Teri Wyble ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin, die in AMCs Hit The Walking Dead als wachsamer Officer Shepherd...

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