Ich will niemandem zu nahe treten.
Zehn Jahre nach der Terrorherrschaft des ersten Terminators kehrt ein neuer Killer-Cyborg auf die Erde zurück. Der Auftrag des T-1000 lautet: John Connor muss sterben. Der zwölfjährige John ist der einzige, der eines fernen Tages die Menschheit vor der Übernahme der Weltherrschaft durch die Maschinen retten könnte. Doch die Rebellen aus der Zukunft sind wachsam. Zum Schutz für John entsenden sie einen umprogrammierten Terminator der alten Generation, den T-800, auf die Erde.
Gesamte Besetzung von Terminator 2 - Tag der Abrechnung
Arnold Schwarzenegger
The Terminator
Arnold Schwarzenegger's performance as The Terminator in "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" is a masterclass in evolving character depth and physical acting. Initially the ruthless antagonist in the first film, Schwarzenegger's character undergoes a dramatic transformation in this sequel, becoming a protector figure for John Connor. He delivers the iconic one-liners with finesse, while also managing to portray the subtle nuances of a machine attempting to understand human emotion. Furthermore, his imposing physical presence and commitment to the action choreography make his T-800 a truly memorable character in the realm of cinematic action heroes.
Linda Hamilton
Sarah Connor
Linda Hamilton's performance as Sarah Connor in "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" is nothing short of iconic. Transformed into a resilient and battle-hardened warrior, Hamilton brings depth and intensity to the character, capturing Sarah's unwavering determination to protect her son, John, and fight against the machines that threaten humanity's future. Her portrayal showcases Sarah's emotional complexity, from her tough exterior to her vulnerable side, as she wrestles with the fear of her impending fate and the weight of saving the world. A true tour de force, Hamilton's performance elevates the film and sets a new standard for strong female characters in action movies.
Robert Patrick's portrayal of the relentless T-1000 in "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" is nothing short of iconic. His cold, calculated demeanor and almost mechanical movements perfectly encapsulate the unstoppable killing machine that his character is, creating an intense and formidable villain. Patrick's physical transformation and seamless morphing abilities, made possible through groundbreaking practical and visual effects, added an unprecedented level of tension and horror to the role. His portrayal elevated the film and set a new standard for both robotics and villainy in the science fiction genre.
Xander Berkeley
Todd Voight
Xander Berkeley (* 16. Dezember 1955 in Brooklyn, New York City) ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler. Während...
Dean Norris
SWAT Team Leader
Dean Joseph Norris ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler. Er machte einen College-Abschluss an der Harvard...
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