Besetzung und Crew von Skyscraper


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Eine neue berufliche Herausforderung in Hongkong wird zum Albtraum für den Kriegsveteranen und ehemaligen FBI-Einsatzchef Will Sawyer, der im The Pearl, dem mit 240 Stockwerken höchsten Wolkenkratzer der Welt, für Sicherheit sorgen soll. Kaum hat Will sein Amt angetreten, kommt es zur Katastrophe: Die 96. Etage steht plötzlich in Flammen. In den Stockwerken darüber ist seine Familie eingeschlossen, ohne eine realistische Chance auf Rettung. Zu seinem Entsetzen wird er auch noch beschuldigt, die Feuersbrunst selbst entfacht zu haben! Verzweifelt versucht Sawyer, die Brandstifter zu finden, seine Familie aus dem flammenden Inferno zu retten und seine Unschuld zu beweisen.

Gesamte Besetzung von Skyscraper

Dwayne Johnson as Will Sawyer

Dwayne Johnson

Will Sawyer
Dwayne Johnson delivers a captivating performance as Will Sawyer in 'Skyscraper'. His portrayal of a former FBI agent turned security consultant is both convincing and engaging. Johnson's physical prowess and charisma shine through in the action-packed sequences, while his emotional depth is evident in the more intimate moments. His character's determination and love for his family add a layer of vulnerability to the otherwise invincible hero, making him more relatable and endearing to the audience. Overall, Johnson's performance is a highlight of the movie, contributing to its thrilling and heartfelt narrative.
Neve Campbell as Sarah Sawyer

Neve Campbell

Sarah Sawyer
Neve Campbell delivers a strong performance as Sarah Sawyer in 'Skyscraper'. As the wife of Dwayne Johnson's character, she brings a sense of warmth and vulnerability to the role, making her character relatable and endearing. Campbell's chemistry with Johnson is palpable, and their on-screen relationship adds an emotional depth to the action-packed film. Her portrayal of a mother fighting to protect her family is both believable and heart-wrenching, making her a standout character in the movie.
Noah Taylor as Mr. Pierce

Noah Taylor

Mr. Pierce
Noah Taylor delivers a compelling performance as Mr. Pierce in the action-packed movie 'Skyscraper'. Taylor's portrayal of the enigmatic and cunning character adds a layer of intrigue to the film, as he masterfully navigates the delicate balance between ruthless villain and strategic mastermind. His performance is a standout, as he effortlessly commands the screen with his piercing gaze and calculated demeanor, making viewers question his true intentions until the very end. Taylor's performance as Mr. Pierce is a testament to his versatility as an actor and a highlight of the film.
McKenna Roberts as Georgia Sawyer

McKenna Roberts

Georgia Sawyer

McKenna Rae Roberts (* 26. Oktober 2007) ist eine amerikanische Schauspielerin und Model. Bereits in sehr jungem...

Venus Terzo as Hostage Negotiator

Venus Terzo

Hostage Negotiator

Venus Terzo (* 17. Oktober 1967 in Montreal) ist eine kanadische Filmschauspielerin und Synchronsprecherin. Venus...

Paul McGillion as On-Scene Commander

Paul McGillion

On-Scene Commander

Paul McGillion (* 5. Januar 1969 in Paisley, Schottland, Vereinigtes Königreich) ist ein kanadischer...

Tzi Ma as Fire Chief Sheng

Tzi Ma

Fire Chief Sheng

Tzi Ma ist ein US-amerikanischer Schauspieler chinesischer Herkunft. Er stammt aus Hongkong und wuchs in New York...

Crew von Skyscraper

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